Dr. Can Onur Avci delivered an invite talk at INTERMAG 2021
Dr. Can Onur Avci delivered an invite talk at INTERMAG 2021 entitled «Spin-current-driven control and detection of magnetization in ferrimagnetic insulators»
Dr. Can Onur Avci delivered an invite talk at INTERMAG 2021 entitled «Spin-current-driven control and detection of magnetization in ferrimagnetic insulators»
The talk was titled "Growth, Optimization, and Electrical Manipulation of Rare-Earth Iron Garnets for Efficient Spintronics" and was presented in session S10 - Magnetism of alloys, intermetallics, thin films and multilayers.
The talk was titled "Nonlocal detection of out-of-plane magnetization in a magnetic insulator by thermal spin drag" and was presented in Session A29: Nonlocal magnon spin transport: new concepts and materials.
Spintronics XVI was part of SPIE Optics and Photonics 2023, held in San Diego, California. The talk was titled "Growth, optimization, and electrical detection of rare-earth iron garnets for spintronic applications" and was presented in Session 14: Power Spintronics and Spin Current.